Welcome to my humble blog where I write the little things concerning Guitar, especially the Electric guitar. I am an avid Project guitar builder and enjoys DIY projects on guitars. Through this blog, I will share with my readers my experiments, findings, projects, recommendations and more. Do check back now and then while I hope you will be able to find the information provided in this blog useful.
Tuesday, 17 April 2012
Cavity Shielding
Chinese knockoffs aren't shielded. Wait, that is pretty expected. In fact, they aren't even painted with carbon shielding paint. I had a big roll of aluminium tape sitting around in my room and decided to do a full make over for the guitar my friend gave me as a souvenir. I took out the pickups and shielded the cavity with the aluminium tapes.
What does shielding the cavity do? Well it prevents microphonic sounds coming from the pickups and reduces feedback noises. However, a well wired electronic circuit is actually pretty quiet. However, since I have a big roll of the tape lying around, why not just shield it anyway. Who knows I might face the problem of microphonic sound leakage one day?
Not too shabby for a DIY job if I must say so myself.
No problem.