Welcome to my humble blog where I write the little things concerning Guitar, especially the Electric guitar. I am an avid Project guitar builder and enjoys DIY projects on guitars. Through this blog, I will share with my readers my experiments, findings, projects, recommendations and more. Do check back now and then while I hope you will be able to find the information provided in this blog useful.
Thursday, 2 February 2012
Marshall Headphones
Past few days has been really busy of sorts and I've just returned from a trip to Penang. However, during my wait at the Singapore Changi airport, I came across a earphone/headphone store of sorts and they had demo sets displayed at the counter.
I haven't really tried the Marshall line of earphones or headphones but my curiosity compelled me to go over, pick it up and try the headphones. I am one who prefers to listen my music with higher quality headphones and earphones and when Marshall first announced their line of headphones and earphones, it struck me that they might actually produce something good and being a fan of guitars affiliated brand names, I always wanted to try one but never the chance.
I picked up the headphone and jacked it into my player and have a go with my auditioning songs. The headphone exhibit typical closed sound which also means less sound stage. Due to it's closed nature, the driver headphones also has inherent boom boom kind of bass while the trebles suffered with the lack of definition.
The earphones sound at most similar to a $60 pair of Audio Technica close headphones and is definitely not worth the heavy price tag on it. However, I do have to admit that the design of the headphones do look very cool. But since it's headphones we are talking about, the "Tone" is definitely way more important than the design or brand of the headphones.
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