Welcome to my humble blog where I write the little things concerning Guitar, especially the Electric guitar. I am an avid Project guitar builder and enjoys DIY projects on guitars. Through this blog, I will share with my readers my experiments, findings, projects, recommendations and more. Do check back now and then while I hope you will be able to find the information provided in this blog useful.
Saturday, 15 October 2011
Fret levelling
Fret levelling is a process where your uneven frets get leveled down via filing. Now, why is there a need for you to even out the frets. One of the few reasons is if you are an avid player and plays almost every night, chances are your frets area already wearing down and in lieu of that happening, you notes are buzzing all over the fretboard. In this case, 2 things can be done to remedy the buzzing. (To read more about Fret wear, please read here)
1. Re-Fretting.
2. Fret levelling.
What determines whether the frets can go through another round of fret levelling depends heavily on how how much "meat" is left on your frets. If not a lot is left, chances are, you cannot do a fret levelling but have to go the Re-fretting route instead.
The other reason that frets needs to be levelled is when the frets are uneven (very common with asian build guitar) and it doesn't allow you to lower the action of the guitar to a comfortable playing height. The best way to remedy this is Fret levelling.
The last reason for fret levelling is usually done as a process after a re-fretting job.
Why is fret levelling particularly important? Well, you might have guess from the above that it allows you to set you action really low (1mm on 12th fret is the lowest I've managed) without the notes choking all over. When do you know if a fret levelling is in due then? If the action is above your comfortable playing range (I would say 1.8mm at the 12th fret) fret levelling is the only other option.
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