
Saturday 4 August 2012

Singapore Street Fest DJ party

Sorry for the disappearance for the past few weeks/months. My new job has been pretty taxing and have been really busy. As with taking on all forms of new job. Anyway, I was at the Singapore street festival last week, at Vivocity, looking for free entertainment. Tons of cosplayers but I wasn't there for them. I wanted to watch the band performances. Two bands kind of shouted out to me to highlight them. Alright, I admit it's not the bands. It's the guitars.

First off the list, is Haruna Tan and her band. Sorry, I don't remember her band's name. Her vocalist has to introduce her in such a dramatic way that I can only remember her name. Anyway, she is a fantastic guitarist. She has the chops and the fluidity. She plays an ESP guitar.

Anyway, her band is a pretty good one. In fact, one of the better ones in the whole line up. I'll definitely watch them again, given the chance. I've attached a video of them for the convenience of my readers. Look at the way she plays! No pun intended.

The other guitarist that I would like to highlight is this girl from this band (Yes, I don't know the name for both) who uses an (ESP) Edwards Horizon III. Yes, you read it correctly. I want to repeat. (ESP) EDWARDS HORIZON III. That's a really beautiful guitar mind you. Her playing is alright, with the standard metal chugga chugga kind of style. But did I mention she has an AWESOME guitar?

Overall, it was an alright experience. The performances were prettey enjoyable as a whole. I'll wait for next year again, for the next street fest!

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