
Saturday 18 August 2012

Steve Vai's Story of Light

Finally, the awaited album is finally here in Singapore and I have finally gotten my hands on a copy! After spending one hour listening to it, I concluded that this is one of Steve Vai's best albums. In fact, I feel this is Steve Vai's second best album next to Passion and Warfare! I urge everyone go out there and get a copy of this. It's mainly rhythm influenced but a superb album nonetheless! Well of course, it's Steve Vai!

Friday 10 August 2012

Steve Vai's Rig run down

I woke up this morning, feeling very drowsy (the effect of how intensive work can do to you) and having the habit of reaching out to my phone and click on the facebook tab (Andriod phone), I saw this video glaring at me, posted by my friend on my wall. For those of you who don't know, I am an avid Vai fan. Yes, read avid.

Anyway, the title reads "Steve Vai rig run down". I was thinking, another one of those? Didn't he do one years ago. Well, I was shock to find the amount of changes he done to his rig. He took out the TC eletronics G system and instead, added in Fractal Audio Axe Fx II. He added a whammy DT to his board as well.

We also get a tour of his room filled with guitars. Do take sometime off to watch this exclusive video by premiere guitar of guitar/gear porn.

Sunday 5 August 2012

Noir, Local Singapore contemporary Jazz Band

There was one Saturday about 3 weeks ago where I was wandering around aimlessly. Well, actually, that seems to be the common occurrence anyway. I went to the Esplanade and there was this fantastic contemporary Jazz band performing. Well, I am not exactly a great Jazz fan but I do appreciate Jazz. They were so fantastic that I keep wanting to buy their CD. Well, today I gave in to temptation and bought the CD. Although, I have to say that the CD is somewhat disappointing, it wasn't as good as they were when live. Well, at least I did a recording with my phone and going to share with all of my readers out there. Copyrights all rights reserves to Noir, who performed this piece on that day. Well, and they made my day!

Noir It might as well be spring.mp3 by Adrian Goh

Saturday 4 August 2012

Singapore Street Fest DJ party

Sorry for the disappearance for the past few weeks/months. My new job has been pretty taxing and have been really busy. As with taking on all forms of new job. Anyway, I was at the Singapore street festival last week, at Vivocity, looking for free entertainment. Tons of cosplayers but I wasn't there for them. I wanted to watch the band performances. Two bands kind of shouted out to me to highlight them. Alright, I admit it's not the bands. It's the guitars.

First off the list, is Haruna Tan and her band. Sorry, I don't remember her band's name. Her vocalist has to introduce her in such a dramatic way that I can only remember her name. Anyway, she is a fantastic guitarist. She has the chops and the fluidity. She plays an ESP guitar.

Anyway, her band is a pretty good one. In fact, one of the better ones in the whole line up. I'll definitely watch them again, given the chance. I've attached a video of them for the convenience of my readers. Look at the way she plays! No pun intended.

The other guitarist that I would like to highlight is this girl from this band (Yes, I don't know the name for both) who uses an (ESP) Edwards Horizon III. Yes, you read it correctly. I want to repeat. (ESP) EDWARDS HORIZON III. That's a really beautiful guitar mind you. Her playing is alright, with the standard metal chugga chugga kind of style. But did I mention she has an AWESOME guitar?

Overall, it was an alright experience. The performances were prettey enjoyable as a whole. I'll wait for next year again, for the next street fest!