
Sunday 4 December 2011

Singapore Guitar Show 2011

So today, I decide to fill up my Sunday by visiting the Singapore Guitar show 2011. I would sum it up as an amazing guitar experience. Especially being in a room of constant sound of guitar playing in variety of genres, ringing in the room. The show was ran by Terence which I think he did an amazing job in running the show.

My only qualms about the show is, there weren't any solid body electric guitars in the show and it was dominately hollow bodies, Acoustic or Classical guitar. That being said, there was a gathering of good luthiers and players from all over the world, showcasing both their craftmanship and showmanship.

What was amazing in the event was that everyone spoke the same language or Jargon. Looking for someone to talk to you about wood types and characteristics? Someone is there to guide you. Looking for someone to ask regarding tips on doing a certain DIY job on your guitar? Someone is there. Looking for an overseas builder to help customize your existing guitar? Well, guess what? Someone is there.

I've never at one point in my life seen so many types of exotic woods being used for guitar building and today was one of those "Lucky" days. Jeffry Yong, a Malaysian Luthier uses a lot of exotic woods to build his guitars and the grains of those woods are ravishing. It is definitely a work of art and this makes me wonder if any builder has actually use those woods to build a solid body electric guitar. 

In addition to just show casing of gorgeous guitars, there were also performances by artist from all over the region (Sorry no pictures). Most of the pieces played were either Classical or Jazz pieces but they are definitely pieces that leaves lasting impression on the listener.

All and all, I feel that the guitar show is a must go for every guitar enthusiasts or lovers. It doesn't matter if you would prefer an electric or acoustic guitar but it is definitely an experience worth having again, given the chance. It is overall a very positive experience

Aren't these the coolest Gig bag you have ever seen? Well, at least to me, they are. I hope to be able to attend the Singapore guitar show again next year and will be praying hard that there will be Electric guitar builders who are willing to come down and show case their works of art.

1 comment:

  1. What a nice coverage of the show. Lets' continue to educate the guitar community of Singapore!
