
Saturday 8 October 2011


Today, I was at a music store, playing around and came in this guy, wanting to test a Jackson guitar. So after the attendant aided him in plugging into the instrument, he was complaining that the guitar is buzzing all over the neck. So since I was beside him, I offered to take a look at the guitar for him and realized that everything was in order. Straight neck, nice action and such.

I proceed in telling him that the guitar isn't really buzzing. I then told him that if it ain't buzzing in the amp, it ain't buzzing. The notes in fact are ringing clearly. Most of the time, people who have no clear idea on how the instrument works will mistaken such nature of the instrument as being faulty. There are a lot of cause to buzzing and picking hard is one of them. However, are they truely buzzing or just rattling?

Sometimes, it's really just the players.


  1. just wanna say pls keep up the good work on your blog! i managed to learn a few things from here~

    can you recommend a good place to modify/fix electric guitars? intending to change the pickups on my ibanez rg and also need someone to do some work on the action and frets..
    thanks lots!

  2. Hi ya,
    Thank you for your kind words. It's words like this that keeps me going on writing the thing that I love the most. At the same time, I am also trying to differentiate myself from the so many other guitar blogs out there, by writing more on the stuff that I usually do to my guitars (setup, repainting, refinish and whatever DIY stuff). Admit those topics haven't been covered yet but rest assured they will be in the future. Eventually.

    If you are talking about pickup changing and setup, I will highly recommend Beez to do it. He is the guy to go to. However, if you are in need of fret crowning or leveling, I will recommend guitar workshop at Bras Brasah 03-09. Maybe you can tell me more about your frets and stuff and see if I can advise you on anything first?
